Ball Mats

Ball Mats


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Gray Pink 18x30 Rug

Handmade from felt balls in a mixed color combo consisting of black, white, pink and light gray, th..

Gray Turquoise 18x30 Bath Mat

Handmade from felt balls in a mixed color combo consisting of black, white, turquoise and light gra..

Greenish 18x30 Bath Mat

Handmade from felt balls in a mixed color combo consisting of greenish tie dye, this mat pairs wel..

Multi Color 18x30 Rug

Handmade from felt balls in a mixed color combo consisting of assorted mix and max, this mat pairs..

Natural 18x30 Rug

Handmade from felt balls in a mixed color combo consisting of black, white and light gray, this mat..

Redish 18x30 Bath Mat

Handmade from felt balls in a mixed color combo consisting of bright assorted mix and max, this ma..

Sea Rocks Bath Mat

Handmade from felt balls in a mixed color combo consisting of brow, white and light gray, this mat..

Sea Rocks Door Mat

Handmade from felt balls in a mixed color combo consisting of black, white and dark gray, this ston..

White Bluish 18x30 Door Mat

Handmade from felt balls in a mixed color combo consisting of blue, navy blue, white and turquoise,..

Yellow Red 18x30 Rug

Handmade from felt balls in a mixed color combo consisting of red, yellow, marron and purple , this..